Thursday, September 6, 2012


I have been really picky about how and what Bug eats. I introduced vegetables as purees really slowly, starting with the foods with the least sugars (albeit natural sugars) and worked our way up. Bug wasn't introduced to fruit until he was almost 10 months old. And I'll admit that I waited a little too long on that one.

But he eats fantastically. He has better eating habits than anyone I know! He loves his fruits and veggies and so far we've been able to determine he has no dairy or nut allergies. Whew! I would have been really upset about a nut allergy. It's not only a pain in the patoot, but my husband & I both love peanut butter and it would have been hard to part with it.

Now we're venturing away from the purees. Bug has been eating pick-up foods for about 8 weeks now. He does not eat Cheerios/Goldfish or any of the puffs. I call them "useless carbohydrates." They are just fillers and I just don't see the point in simply "filling him up" with them. He does love cantaloupe and grapes as snacks though! And just recently I introduced honey graham cracker sticks with organic peanut butter - he gobbles that up, too.

I don't allow Bug to graze all day. Part of my objection to the puff thing. We have 5 eating times that are pretty evenly spaced out during the day. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. I'm hoping this helps his metabolism to develop properly without him thinking we can just eat all the time. He can have water anytime he wants it, and juice with food.

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